
  1. Entrance and Progression Scholarships

    The College provides Entrance Scholarships to new students who possess good academic qualifications in public examinations. The amount of each Entrance Scholarship is up to HK$10,000. A Progression Scholarship up to HK$5,000 will be granted as an incentive to Associate Degree Year 1 students who progress to Associate Degree Year 2 with outstanding academic results.

  2. Academic Scholarships

    About 50 Academic Scholarships are available for application every year. The scholarships are available for application every year. The scholarships will be awarded to students according to their academic merit, achievements in extra-curricular activities and contributions to the College or University.

  3. Community Service Scholarships

    The College provides Community Service Scholarships to award the students who have outstanding achievement in the extra-curricular activities and contributions to the College and Community.

  4. Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme (SPSS)
    The Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarships are provided and funded by the Education Bureau. These scholarships aim to recognize sub-degree students with outstanding academic performance, achievements and talents in other non-academic fields. Under this scheme, there are FIVE types of scholarships, (1) Outstanding Performance Scholarship, (2) Talent Development Scholarship, (3) Reaching Out Award, and (4) Endeavour Scholarship are opened for applications annually; while (5) Best Progress Award is to be nominated by CCLU. The amount of each scholarship ranges from HK$10,000 to HK$30,000 per year.