

  • 强化学生的职业及学术英语能力

  • 提升学生书写流丽英语的能力

  • 品味英国文学


  • 进阶英语文法

  • 商业书信写作

  • 话语分析

  • 公共关系英语 

  • 英语文法导论 

  • 语义及语用学导论 

  • 当代英语结构



  • 岭南大学当代英语语言文学课程(荣誉)文学士

  • 澳洲堪培拉大学与岭南大学持续进修学院於本港合办的全日制文学士

  • 香港中文大学英国语文研究(荣誉)文学士

  • 香港浸会大学英国语言文学文学士(荣誉)


  • 广告 

  • 编辑及出版 

  • 教育

  • 新闻传媒 

  • 翻译 


Chau Shuk Man

Chau Shuk Man

  • Graduate of Higher Diploma in English and Communications 2014
  • Year 1, Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The HD programme at LIFE is welldeveloped and broad-based. It is supplemented by a wide range of courses in different disciplines such as public relations, business oral communication and psychology etc. This diversity enhances the overall learning spectrum and enables students to become wellrounded individuals. Furthermore, the teachers not only focus on academic teaching, but they also share their own valuable experience with us. For that reason, I consider my time at LIFE has prepared well for my future career endeavours. In LIFE, I found many genuine teachers and friends. I also acquired knowledge beyond textbooks. These wonderful memories will last forever in my mind.