Testing A

Programme Overview

  • To give students a comprehensive grounding in the knowledge and skills necessary for those aspiring to a career in psychology and/or counselling

  • To provide an attractive course of study which produces students with an understanding of psychology and counselling and the challenges with which practitioners are confronted

  • To foster an environment in which students are encouraged to: develop academic skills; challenge knowledge; apply theory to practice; develop critical awareness, analysis, and reasoning; solve problems; synthesize and evaluate information; and engage in research

  • To enable students to demonstrate key skills: oral and written communication; listening skills; use of information technology; numeracy and teamwork

  • To develop key personal and academic skills in students enabling them to become active and independent learners

  • To encourage students to reflect upon their studies and take responsibility for their own learning and continued professional development

Graduate Sharing



  • 人文學科(翻譯)副學士畢業生 2012
  • 香港城市大學語言學及語言科技榮譽文學士 2014
回想當初公開試成績強差人意,入讀副學士先修課程之初,對讀書可說是完全失去了信心。但幸有社區學院老師的悉心教導,願意付出額外的時間作出支援,令我重拾對學習的熱情。特別是在副學士二年級的時候,中英文學科的老師都跟我們勤加操練面試技巧, 讓我克服了欠缺自信的弱點, 而他們的鼓勵更令我明白到要成功便不可小覷自己的力量。 畢業時能夠取得學業優異獎學金,並且成功銜接大學學士學位,不能不歸功於社區學院的老師一直以來對我的關懷及支持!


  • 人文學科(中國語言文學)副學士畢業生 2010
  • 嶺南大學中文(榮譽)學士畢業生